COVID-19 Customer Support Programs

The following programs are available to Clark Public Utilities customers who need assistance paying their PUD bills due to economic hardship as the result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Clark Public Utilities requests customers with overdue bills to contact customer service for assistance by calling 360-992-3000 or by email [email protected]

Contact us today for more information

Having trouble paying your bill? Call customer service anytime, every day of the year and we can help.

Reduce Energy Waste image

Guarantee of Service Plan (GOSP)

This 12-month program reduces electricity payments to a percentage of monthly household income.

Call 360-992-3000 to see if you qualify to participate in GOSP.

A happy family

Home Energy Assistance Program

LIHEAP, a federally funded program, helps qualified customers with their home heating costs.

Call 1-855-353-HEAT (1-855-353-4328) for automated information or to schedule an appointment.

A happy family

Operation Warm Heart Financial Assistance

This income based program provides grants to customers with electric heat who are in financial crisis and may not qualify for other forms of energy assistance. It’s financed primarily by donations from Clark Public Utilities customers.

Senior Citizen rate credit

Senior Citizen Rate Credit

Customers age 62 and over who have lived in Clark County at least one year may qualify for a credit based on the January through April billings. Annual household income cannot exceed $40,880.

In response to far-reaching economic impacts caused by the global pandemic, the utility has temporarily changed eligibility requirements for utility assistance programs. To allow more customers to qualify, we’ve increased the amount of funds available for payment assistance and raised the maximum grant amounts for eligible households. Additionally, income documentation to demonstrate need is now only required for the past 30 days and we’ve approved additional forms of income verification.

If you’re experiencing sudden income loss due to efforts to stop the spread of coronavirus, please contact us now so we can help you access payment assistance or make extended payment arrangements.

This page is posted in accordance with proclamation 20-23.6 with a posting date of July 10, 2020. The information was reviewed and approved for public display by the General Manager.