Cutting Energy Waste with Custom Projects
Building energy savings into your business has a direct impact on the bottom line and can improve comfort and safety in the workplace as well. Clark Public Utilities offers flexible incentives for custom energy efficiency projects completed in Clark County and support throughout the process.
All commercial and industrial customers of Clark Public Utilities are eligible to participate. Interested customers must contact the utility and receive approval on the project proposal before purchasing new equipment. Incentives are based on verified electrical savings and the utility may assist with energy studies as well as measurement and verification of savings.
Eligible projects include replacement or installation of new energy efficiency equipment or technologies that are above current code. Some examples include upgrades to compress air, refrigeration or general process systems. Industrial equipment upgrades including welders and VFD’s may be eligible for incentives to increase energy efficiency. Your account representative can help identify potential opportunities to lower your energy costs.
Current Incentives
For eligible projects approved and coordinated by Clark Public Utilities, incentives include:
- Industrial retrofit projects: $0.33 per kWh up to 70% of cost
- Industrial new construction projects: $0.35 per kWh up to 70% of incremental cost
- Commercial retrofit projects: $0.33 per kWh up to 70% of cost
- Commercial new construction: $0.35 per kWh up to 70% of incremental cost
Custom Project Proposal Requirements
- Customer and contractor names and contact information
- Project location
- Planned project start and completion dates
- Project overview – make and model of eligible equipment or technology
- Measurement baseline – make and model of existing equipment
- Savings measurement and verification plan (typically two weeks pre- and post-installation monitoring)
- Suggested measure life of equipment
- Estimated site energy savings
- Estimated project/incremental cost
- Estimated change in operations and maintenance (O & M) cost (reduction or increase)
Your energy savings and project costs will vary. Program requirements and rebate amounts are subject to change without notice. We do not endorse any particular contractor, manufacturer or product. We make no express or implied warranties of these products or installations. There are limits to rebates and grants (when available).
How Do I Participate?
All business customers in Clark County have an account manager assigned to help identify ways to cut energy waste in the workplace. If you are not currently in contact with an account manager, contact the utility to be introduced to your designated utility representative. Your utility account manager can help you:

Identify potential areas of energy savings and provide recommendations for efficient upgrades or construction projects

Apply for custom project incentives and coordinate requirements for approval

Establish processes to measure and verify energy savings in order to receive incentive payment