Making A Difference
As a public utility, giving back to our community is part of what we do every day. From hosting school field trips to planting native trees, our community and environmental programs are designed to make Clark County an even better place to live.
Our Community Programs
We offer a variety of programs to share resources and educate our community about electrical safety and how electricity works. Here are some examples.
A collection of educational and fun activities designed to be appropriate for a variety of ages and grade-levels. This site has plenty of resources and information related to electrical safety, science of electricity, renewable energy, water quality, our local environment and more!
Make a Difference Celebration
Hundreds of volunteers come together each year to participate in the annual Make a Difference Day effort. Planting native trees and removing invasive weeds along streams helps to improve wildlife habitat and bring salmon back.
Environmental Stewardship Programs
More than 1,000 StreamTeam volunteers work year-round planting trees, removing invasive weeds and helping make the Salmon Creek Watershed healthier for fish and wildlife.
Reducing our Carbon Impact
We’re fortunate in the Northwest that much of our energy comes from clean, renewable hydropower. Here are some other ways the utility helps reduce carbon.

Community Solar
More than 700 utility customers have funded our five community solar arrays at the Operations Center in Orchards. READ MORE ›

Green Fleet
See how our fleet of hybrid and electric vehicles helps us reduce fossil fuel usage and cut down on carbon. READ MORE ›

Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
We’ve installed three Level 2 chargers and one Level 3 rapid charger downtown, plus two Level 2 chargers at the Operations Center in Orchards. Orchards. READ MORE ›
Green Lights Program
For as little as $1 a month you can support the development of clean, renewable energy through Clark Public Utilities’ Green Lights program.