The 799kW system design is divided and separately metered on the roof tops of five different buildings at The Port of Camas-Washougal, with each building section allocated to the following participating customer sectors:
1. 199kW reserved for low-income customers (~25%)
2. 300kW reserved for residential customers (~38%)
*split across 2 separately metered roof tops
3. 150kW reserved for business customers (~19%)
4. 150kW reserved for government customers (~19%)
Low-Income – The WSU Energy incentive is collected after project completion for 100% of the associated project costs to cover the 199kW of installed capacity allocated for low-income customers.
Residential, Business and Government – Customer participation fees will be collected during the 2023 calendar year.
Clark Public Utilities has budgeted $1.7 million in the 2023 utility capital budget to cover project expenses while customer participation fees are collected throughout 2023. Expenses will be paid as the project reaches completion benchmarks. Expected project expenses are listed above:
Residential – The residential offerings include large participation options priced up to $8,500, as well as small participation levels priced at $85. “Mini Units” will also be available for $10. These mini-units do not result in energy credits given back to the customer; participants will receive a sticker and know that they have contributed to the cost of a renewable and carbon-free resource right at home in Clark County.
Business and Government – We are excited to offer participation options in this new project for business and government customers. Two 150kW sections of the installed capacity are available to commercial and industrial customers (300kW in total) with participation options up to about $17,000, with the option to purchase multiple units depending on demand.Mini units are also available to business and government customers, priced at $85. Similar to the residential mini units, these mini units do not provide energy credits given back to the customer; participants will receive a sticker and know that they have contributed to the cost of a local renewable and carbon-free resource.
– Business and Government Agency Customers – Clark Public Utilities held a Town Hall style event at the Clark Public Utilities Community Room with a virtual participation option on March 14, 2023 for our largest business and government customers. This is being followed by additional promotional efforts, including a commercial and industrial newsletter, to increase awareness of the program and motivate participation. Business and government customers will also have the ability to sign-up on-line and can be directed to their Key Account manager for guidance.
– Low-income customers – The low-income designated 199Kw system and the credits generated will be automatically directed towards the Operation Warm Heart (OWH) fund and distributed to customers who are in the most need by our regular energy assistance application process, coordinated through our community care (ComCare) department. Customers who may benefit from this piece of the project do not need to take any action beyond the energy assistance application process.
• Residential Participants – Each kWh generated by a participant’s portion of the system will be multiplied by the utility’s current residential energy rate (currently $0.0816 per kWh), and then credited to their Clark Public Utilities electric account annually.
Example: Your portion of the system generates 1,000kWh in 2024 at the utility rate of $0.0816 per kWh, your 2024 energy credit is $81.60
• Business/Government Participants – Each kWh generated by a participant’s portion of the system will be multiplied by the current business (Sch. 034) energy rate (currently $0.077 per kWh), and credited to their specified Clark Public Utilities electric account annually.
Example: Your portion of the system generates 1,000kWh in 2024 at the utility rate of $0.077 per kWh, your 2024 energy credit is $77.00
*Note, if Clark Public Utilities raises electricity rates in the future, the rate used to calculate participants’ annual energy credits also increases.