The Community Room at our downtown office is no longer available for public use due to health and security reasons. The Community Room will continue to serve customers as the space for public commission meetings and utility workshops. Additionally, the car wash program at our Operations Center is no longer available due to security concerns. Our Water Wagon and Tent Rental programs remain available, free of charge, for public use starting in 2023. If you have questions or would like to reserve the Water Wagon or utility tents, please contact our communications department or call 360-992-3551.

Guest Speakers
Clark Public Utilities representatives are available to speak to your club or organization.
We would be pleased to provide a speaker for your neighborhood group, service club or other community organization. Many have asked us to provide a presenter to talk about current utility issues and a variety of other energy and water-related topics, including:
- Current events at Clark Public Utilities
- Energy conservation
- Water conservation
- Electric safety
- Sources of electricity
- Energy planning for the future
- Environmental protection actions
- Pollinators
If you have a particular subject or range of topics you’d like a utility spokesperson to address, we can help you identify the best person and arrange the presentation.

Tent Loan and Water Wagon
We partner with nonprofit and community organizations to provide event tents at no cost. To bring the Historic Water Wagon to your nonprofit community event, give us a call. Both programs have seasonal availability and requests are evaluated first-come, first-served.
If interested in further information, contact our Communications department at 360-992-3551 or send a message.