Virtual Power Zone

A collection of educational and fun activities designed to be appropriate for a variety of ages and grade-levels. Check back for more as we continue to develop and share resources related to electrical safety, science of electricity, renewable energy, water quality, our local environment and more! Visit the Power Zone


Classroom Presentations

Utility representatives visit elementary school classrooms with messages about electrical safety, environmental protection and utility careers at teachers’ requests.

Call us 360-992-3550 or email us to schedule a visit from a utility employee to your classroom.

Columbia Springs

Clark Public Utilities is a partner in the Columbia Springs, an environmental education center located on the grounds of the Vancouver Trout Hatchery.

Columbia Springs provides a variety of hands-on educational opportunities for Clark County students including water and soil testing, macro invertebrate labs, wildlife identification, and more. Education programs can be tailored to meet the needs of any student or community group. The center serves all public and private schools in Clark County.

Visit the Columbia Springs website to learn about the variety of hands-on experiences available for students or call 360-882-0936 for more information.

Salmon in the Classroom

Our Salmon in the Classroom project provides salmon education to Clark County students.

Participating classrooms raise live Coho Salmon fingerlings in the fall and hatch out Coho Salmon eggs in the spring. This program is provided in cooperation with Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife and Columbia Springs Environmental Education Center.

To find out more about this program please visit Salmon in the Classroom’s website, e-mail, or call 360-882-0936 ext. 228 for more information.

Student Tours

Our popular student education program brings nearly 4,000 fourth- and fifth-grade students from all over Clark County to our operations facility every school year.

The tour features a video presentation providing background information about the utility, a walking tour of the warehouse, recycling area, truck bays, a lesson on electrical safety and much more.

Schedule a Visit