Meeting of Commissioners of
Public Utility District No. 1 of Clark County, Washington
June 1, 2021
A meeting of Commissioners of Public Utility District No. 1 of Clark County was held at the Electric Center, 1200 Fort Vancouver Way, Vancouver, Washington, on Tuesday, June 1, 2021.
Present: Assistant to CEO/General Manager Margaret Anderson.
Present via digital conference (phone or video): President Jim Malinowski, Vice President Nancy Barnes, Secretary Jane Van Dyke Commissioners, CEO/General Manager Lena Wittler, Director of Finance Melissa Ankeny, Director of Energy Resources Dan Bedbury, Director of Information Services Jeff Groff, Director of Engineering Cal Morris, Director of Water Doug Quinn, Director of Communications Erica Erland, Director of Employee Resources Nichole Reitzenstein, General Counsel John Eldridge, Manager of Energy Planning and Operations Tom Haymaker and Media Specialist Dameon Pesanti.
Press representatives: None
Others present via digital conference (phone or video): Don Steinke, Alona Steinke, Rick Marshall.
At 9:00 a.m., President Malinowski called the meeting to order for the transaction of formal business. Commissioner Malinowski noted a quorum was present and the agenda was approved as presented (Materials A).
Public Comment
Member of the public Don Steinke provided comment on building electrification, the Clean Fuel Program and the Climate Commitment Act. Mr. Steinke also thanked the utility for the recent Energy Advisor article and the work the Energy Resources Project Manager Matt Babbitts has done on the Electric Vehicle program.
If members of the public have provided the utility with written comments, copies of these comments in their entirety may be obtained by contacting Margaret Anderson at [email protected] or 360-992-3378.
Consideration of the Minutes of May 18, 2021
There were no changes.
Consideration of Accounts Payable
The board, by a unanimous vote, approved the following payment amounts as listed on the Letter of Transmittal dated June 1, 2021 from the District Auditor (Materials B):
Electric Revenue Fund – $16,841,484.93
Water Revenue Fund – $245,779.08
Generating System Fund – $546,392.67
For a total of $17,633,656.68
Consideration of Resolutions of Intent to Establish LUD Nos. 1404, 1407 and 1413
Director of Engineering Cal Morris addressed the board regarding the Intent to Establish Local Utility District Nos. 1404, 1407 and 1413.
Resolution No. 7657 – LUD No. 1404 – Dogwood Estates
Resolution No. 7658 – LUD No. 1407 – Townhomes at Hidden Crest
Resolution No. 7659 – LUD No. 1413 – Yorkshire Estates
After the presentation by Mr. Morris, Commissioner Malinowski opened for public comment. There being no comment, a motion was made by Commissioner Van Dyke, seconded by Commissioner Barnes, and unanimously carried that Resolution Nos. 7657 – 7659 be adopted and a public hearing was set for July 6, 2021 (Materials C).
April Financials
Director of Finance Melissa Ankeny addressed the board (Materials D). April weather was warmer than normal and the driest on record. This resulted in electric revenues coming in slightly below budget and off system sales coming in above budget. April residential sales were 96.8% of budget, commercial sales were 105.8% and industrial sales were 105.6% of budget. April ended with a net income of $2.6 million compared to a budgeted net income of $1.0 million. Year-to-date net income is $22.7 million compared to a budgeted net income of $15.4 million.
Ms. Ankeny provided a year-to-date summary of conservation spending.
The Water System ended April with 371 new customers, which is a growth rate of 2.91%. April ended with a net income of $25,000 compared to a budgeted net income loss of $321,000. Year-to-date the net income is $942,000 compared to a budgeted net income loss of $43,000.
April Wholesale Operations
Manager of Energy Planning and Operations Tom Haymaker addressed the board (Materials E). Mr. Haymaker updated the board on power supply noting that Slice performed below prompt month by 35 aMW and below budget forecast by 57 aMW. The monthly load was right in line with the budgeted forecast. Mr. Haymaker reported that power prices picked up while gas prices remain steady causing the market heat rates to soar compared to a typical April. Hydro conditions continue to decline, which are pushing summer prices up.
River Road Generating Plant will come back online by the end of the day on June 1, 2021.
Commissioner Reports and Comments
Commissioner Van Dyke reported on her attendance at the American Public Power Association Policy Makers meeting.
Commissioner Malinowski reported on his attendance with the Washington PUD Association Telecom meeting.
Staff Reports
Director of Finance Melissa Ankeny provided the timeline for the Water Bond process.
CEO/General Manager Lena Wittler reported on a call with the office of Senator Murray to discuss Electric Buses for the Vancouver School District and her call with the White House regarding the Columbia River Treaty.
Public Comment
There were no public comments.
Other Business before the Board
There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 10:06 a.m.