Meeting of Commissioners of
Public Utility District No. 1 of Clark County, Washington
November 22, 2016
A meeting of Commissioners of Public Utility District No. 1 of Clark County was held in the Operations Center, 8600 NE 117th Ave., Vancouver, Washington, on Tuesday, the 22nd day of November at the hour of 9:00 a.m.
Present: President Nancy Barnes, Vice President Jane Van Dyke, Secretary Jim Malinowski, Commissioners; CEO/General Manager Wayne Nelson, Director of Finance Rick Dyer, Director of Operations Dan Krebs, Director of Engineering Cal Morris, Director of Communications Lena Wittler, Director of Information Services Mike Harris, Director of Energy Resources Dan Bedbury, Director of Water Doug Quinn, Corporate Communications Manager Erica Erland, Customer Accounts and Energy Reporting Services Manager Debbie DePetris and Assistant to CEO/General Manager Margaret Anderson.
Press Representatives: None
Others Present: None (Materials A)
At 9:00 a.m., President Barnes called the meeting to order for the transaction of formal business.
Consideration of the Meeting Agenda
There were no changes or corrections (Materials B).
Public Comment on Non Agenda Items
There were no public comments.
Consideration of the Minutes of November 8, 2016
There were no changes or corrections.
Consideration of Accounts Payable
The board, by a unanimous vote, approved the following payment amounts as listed on the Letter of Transmittal dated November 22, 2016, from the District Auditor:
Electric Revenue Fund – $18,613,545.04
Water Revenue Fund – $272,476.82
Generating System Fund – $583,022.16
For a total of $19,469,044.02
Consideration of Resolutions of Establishment of LUD Nos. 1253, 1263 and 1264
Director of Engineering Cal Morris addressed the board regarding the Establishment of Local Utility District Nos. 1253, 1263 and 1264 for street lighting.
Resolution No. 7311 – LUD No. 1253 – Westview Substation
Resolution No. 7312 – LUD No. 1263 – Sebastian Heights
Resolution No. 7313 – LUD No. 1264 – Green Valley Subdivision
After the presentation by Mr. Morris, Commissioner Barnes opened the public hearing for comment. There being no public comment, a motion was made by Commissioner Malinowski seconded by Commissioner Van Dyke , and unanimously carried that Resolution Nos. 7311 – 7313 (Materials C) be adopted.
Consideration of Update to Energy Efficiency Loan Processing Fees
Customer Account and Energy Reporting Services Manager Debbie DePetris addressed the board (Materials D). Following a recent audit of loan processing fees it was determined that the utility needed to adjust the fees currently charged in order to recover the actual loan processing costs. After some discussion, the board would like the language modified in the resolution to better reflect the intent to recover loan processing costs as they change. Staff will update the resolution and return to the board for approval at a future meeting.
Public Meeting on Proposed 2017 Budgets for the Electric, Generating and Water Systems
Director of Finance Rick Dyer provided a summary of the proposed 2017 budget request (Materials E). No rate increases are required for the proposed $371 million electric system budget or the proposed $18 million water system budget.
The board will hold a public hearing during the next regular meeting on December 13, 2016. In addition to adopting the budget the board will make decisions regarding the use of tax credits for low income programs and meter upgrades in the water system.
October Financials
Director of Finance Rick Dyer addressed the board (Materials F). October had warmer wetter weather resulting in electric revenue above forecast. Mr. Dyer reported that both system sales and off system sales were above budget for the month. October residential sales were 98% of budget; commercial sales were 101.6% and industrial sales were 108.9% of budget.
October ended with a $203,000 loss in net income, compared to a budgeted loss of $2.7 million. To date the annual net income for the Electric System is $12.5 million, compared to $124,000 in the budget.
The Water System has added 663 new customers year to date resulting in a growth rate of 2.4%. The net income in October was $403,000 against a budgeted net income of $269,000. To date the annual net income for the Water System is $2.4 million, compared to a budgeted net income of $1.15 million.
October Wholesale Operations
Manager of Energy Planning and Operations Tom Haymaker addressed the board (Materials G). Mr. Haymaker updated the board on power supply noting that Slice performed slightly above prompt month and just below budget forecasts. Loads were slightly above budget and prices remained relatively stable through the month.
Staff continues to monitor the vibrations at the River Road Generating Plant.
Commissioner Reports
Commissioner Malinowski reported on his attendance at the Washington PUD Association meetings.
Staff Reports
There were no staff reports.
Other Business before the Board
There being no further business before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 11:10 a.m.