Financial Assistance Programs Can Help

If you’re struggling to pay your whole utility bill on time, please call us. Our customer service representatives are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to answer questions about your account. We can help you determine if you’re eligible for financial assistance, or help you make payment arrangements.

Contact us today for more information

Having trouble paying your bill? Call customer service anytime, every day of the year and we can help.

Please call 360-992-3000 or contact us.

Reduce Energy Waste image

Guarantee of Service Plan (GOSP)

This 12-month program reduces electricity payments to a percentage of monthly household income.

Call 360-992-3000 to see if you qualify to participate in GOSP.

A happy family

Home Energy Assistance Program

LIHEAP, a federally funded program, helps qualified customers with their home heating costs.

Call 1-855-353-HEAT (1-855-353-4328) for automated information or to schedule an appointment.

A happy family

Operation Warm Heart Financial Assistance

This income based program provides grants to customers with electric heat who are in financial crisis and may not qualify for other forms of energy assistance. It’s financed primarily by donations from Clark Public Utilities customers.

Senior Citizen rate credit

Senior Citizen Rate Credit

Customers age 62 and over who have lived in Clark County at least one year may qualify for a credit based on the January through April billings. Annual household income cannot exceed $40,880.

We’re Here to Help

Looking for ways to reduce wasted energy at home and lower your bill? Our energy counselors can help with tips to cut down on energy use and improve comfort in your home at the same time. Call us to find easy, inexpensive ways to make your home more efficient.

Reduce Energy Waste and Lower Your Bill

Tips to reduce energy costs

From thermostat and water heater settings, to easy weather-stripping, there are lots of ways to cut back on energy use and bring your bill down. Read More ›

Reduce Energy Waste and Lower Your Bill

Limited-income weatherization program

We partner with Clark County to offer a limited-income weatherization and ductless heat pump program. Owner-occupied and rental homes, including manufactured homes are eligible if income guidelines are met. Read More›