Outsmart Energy Waste with our Rebates and Incentives

Our rebates and incentives help you make energy-efficient home improvements that can reduce your electricity bill—which also helps us reduce the amount of power we need to buy. Using only the energy required is more cost-effective for all of us, so we’re happy to guide you through your options.

Some energy efficiency upgrades may be eligible for federal tax credits in addition to rebates provided by Clark Public Utilities. Additional information can be found on the Energy Star website. For questions on how or if any tax credits may apply to you, please refer to a licensed tax professional.

Contact us today for more information

CPU is available to assist you 24/7

Questions about current energy efficiency programs? Ask an energy counselor Monday-Friday during business hours.

Please call 360-992-3355 or contact us.

Heat Pump
Rebates Available

Heat Pump Program

Rebates Available

Replacing an older heating system with an energy-efficient heat pump will improve the comfort in your home and conserve energy.

Heat Pump
Rebates Available

Ductless Heat Pump Program

Rebates Available

Homeowners who currently heat their home with cable ceiling heat, baseboard or wall heaters, or an electric furnace can receive a $800 rebate to help pay for an upgrade. We’re helping qualified customers upgrade to a ductless heating and cooling system that uses a fraction of the electricity and provides more comfort than outdated systems.

man hand holding phone smart home background home room kitchen
Rebates Available

Smart Thermostat

Rebates Available

Installing a smart thermostat can reduce energy waste, while still keeping your home comfortable. If you’re a Clark Public Utilities customer currently heating your home with an electric furnace or heat pump, you may qualify for the $140 smart thermostat rebate. Through our online marketplace, choose from four different thermostat models and receive rebates instantly at point of purchase making one model FREE! If your home is heated with a natural gas furnace, you also may qualify for the rebate through the Energy Trust.

Rebates Available

Weatherization Program

Rebates Available

Electrically heated homes and manufactured homes are eligible for the program.

Heat Pump Water Heater Program
Rebates Available

Heat Pump Water Heater Program

Rebates Available

Heat pump water heaters (HPWHs) are the efficient alternative to traditional water heating. We currently offer a $700 rebate for qualifying Tier 3 and 4 heat pump water heaters.

A happy family
Rebates Available

Multi-family Property Programs

Rebates Available

Clark Public Utilities offers a variety of rebates for owners of new or existing multi-family buildings (5 or more dwelling units that are stacked) in Clark County that are electrically heated. Multi-family structures with four or fewer units should apply for the utilities’ single-family home rebates.

new homes performance

New Construction Programs

The New Homes Performance program offers incentives to builders who increase the energy efficiency of newly built homes above state energy code standards. The NEEM manufactured homes program is a collaborative effort between home builders, retailers and utilities to produce the most energy efficient manufactured homes ever built and offers an incentive to buyers of these homes.

solar panels

Solar Energy Program

In addition to providing technical assistance and a list of contractors participating in our Contractor Network, we’ll review and approve the installation contract. The contractor you select will secure the necessary building permits and install your solar system.

Electric car charging
Rebates Available

Electric Vehicle Program

Rebates Available

Clark Public Utilities is offering qualifying customers a variety of rebates and grants for electric vehicles. Electric vehicles emit no tailpipe emissions and cost less per mile to operate. As electric vehicle technology has improved, ranges have extended and there are more charging options and locations now than ever before.

Rebates Available

Electric Vehicle Managed Charging Program

Rebates Available

Electric vehicle owners who participate in our managed charging program with Optiwatt will receive a $50 utility bill credit.

We’re Here to Help

Our energy counselors can help with tips to reduce wasted energy and improve comfort in your home.

Reduce Energy Waste and Lower Your Bill

Building a new home?

If you’re building, or buying a newly built home, consider choosing a home built to the energy efficiency standards of Clark Public Utilities New Homes Performance program. Read More ›

Reduce Energy Waste and Lower Your Bill

Shopping for Appliances?

When choosing new appliances and LEDs, be sure to look for the Energy Star logo, or compare appliance energy usage levels using the yellow Energy Guide label. Read More ›