Why Install a Ductless Heat Pump?
- Save energy and money while heating your home during the winter months.
- Make your home more comfortable.
- Systems come standard with air conditioning—no more window units!
If you have cable ceiling heat, baseboard heat, an electric furnace or wall heaters, you’re probably using too much energy to heat your home. We’re helping qualified customers upgrade to a ductless heating and cooling system that uses a fraction of the electricity and provides more comfort than outdated systems.
Let us Help You!
If you are a homeowner who currently heats your home with cable ceiling heat, baseboard heaters or wall heaters, you may receive a rebate to help pay for an upgrade. Site-built and manufactured homes heated with an electric furnace also qualify. Eligible homeowners will receive the rebate once the system is installed.
Ductless Heat Pump Rebates
- $800 rebate for the installation of a single or multi-head system in homes heated with an electric furnace or electric zonal heat (7.5 or greater HSPF2).
To Qualify for Your Rebate:
- You must be the homeowner.
- Your home must have cable ceiling heat, baseboard heat, an electric furnace or wall heaters permanently installed.
- Click to find contractors participating in the utility’s Heat Pump/Ductless Heat Pump Contractor Network.
- Limit one ductless heat pump rebate per home.
- Ductless heat pumps must be completely installed by a licensed contractor, self-installations do not qualify for a utility rebate.
- The installed ductless heat pump must be new.
Call Energy Services at 360-992-3355 to learn more about rebate eligibility and our list of approved installation contractors.
Your energy savings and project costs will vary. Program requirements and rebate amounts are subject to change without notice. We do not endorse any particular contractor, manufacturer or product. We make no express or implied warranties of these products or installations. There are limits to rebates and grants (when available).