Why Install a Smart Thermostat?

Heating and cooling costs make up the largest portion of your energy bill. While there are many ways to cut costs, installing a smart thermostat can reduce energy waste, while still keeping your home comfortable.  If you’re a Clark Public Utilities customer currently heating your home with an electric furnace or ducted heat pump, you may qualify for the $140 smart thermostat rebate. Purchases made through our online marketplace will have rebates applied instantly at checkout.  If your home is heated with a natural gas furnace, you may qualify for a rebate through the Energy Trust.

Let us Help You!

We are currently offering a $140.00 rebate for:

  • Nest Learning Thermostat (4th Generation) – GA05###-**
  • Nest Learning Thermostat – model T3###**
  • Nest Thermostat – model GA0####-**
  • Nest E – model T4###**
  • ecobee 4 – model EB-STATE4***-##
  • ecobee Smart Thermostat with Voice Control (Ecobee 5) – model EB-STATE5*
  • ecobee Smart Thermostat Enhanced – model EB-STATE6L*
  • ecobee Smart Thermostat Premium (Ecobee 6) – model EB-STATE6*
  • Lennox iComfort M30 Smart Thermostat
  • Honeywell T9 Smart Thermostat – model RCHT9610WFSW2003 – must include external occupancy sensor
  • Honeywell T10 Pro Smart Thermostat – model THX321WFS2001W – must include external occupancy sensor

Note: Any Lite version of the ecobee thermostat does not qualify for this rebate as they do not have built-in occupancy sensing. 

To Qualify for Your Rebate:

  • You must be a Clark Public Utilities customer
  • You must own the home where the thermostat is installed, or if a tenant, have permission from the property owner
  • The smart thermostat must be new and installed at your residence to qualify for the rebate
  • Your home must be heated with an electric furnace, ducted air source heat pump, or ducted ground source heat pump*
    *If your home is heated with a natural gas furnace you may qualify for a rebate through Energy Trust.
  • Homes that are heated with dual-fuel systems (e.g., heat pump with a natural gas furnace back-up) are not eligible for a smart thermostat rebate
  • Water source heat pumps fed by a gas boiler are not eligible for a smart thermostat rebate
  • One smart thermostat per system with a limit of two per household
  • The smart thermostat must be replacing a non-qualifying thermostat
  • Smart thermostats are not recommended to control variable speed heat pumps and not compatible with ductless heat pumps, electric resistance baseboard heaters, in-wall heaters, or cable ceiling heat.

Process for collecting the rebate

Smart Thermostat Online Marketplace
Clark Public Utilities offers an online marketplace for the purchase of some of the Nest and Ecobee smart thermostats. Customers who use the marketplace receive utility rebates instantly, at the point of purchase making the Nest Thermostat free (WA sales tax still applies). The online marketplace is only available to Clark Public Utilities customers that meet the qualifications listed above and customers can purchase up to two smart thermostat using the marketplace. Visit the online marketplace by clicking the button below. Thermostat purchases made on the online marketplace are not eligible for additional utility smart thermostat rebates.


Smart Thermostat Rebate

  • Print and complete the Smart Thermostat Rebate Form
  • Attach a copy of your purchase receipt (we are unable to process your rebate without proof of purchase)
  • Deliver the completed Smart Thermostat Rebate Form and a copy of your purchase receipt to Clark Public Utilities via email to [email protected] or by mail to Clark Public Utilities, Attn: Rebates, PO Box 8900, Vancouver, WA, 98668

Questions on Installations

Nest Customer Support
Ecobee Customer Support
Energy Counselor of the Day: 360-992-3355

Need help determining which Nest product you have? Visit these web pages:
Nest Protect
Nest Learning Thermostat