Serving All of Clark County
Clark Public Utilities is a customer-owned public utility district (PUD). Formed by a vote of the people in 1938, we provide at-cost electric and water service to Clark County as affordably, reliably, and responsibly as possible.
We provide electricity service to more than 235,000 customers throughout Clark County and water service to about 40,000 homes and businesses in unincorporated areas. For over 85 years, we have committed to bringing our community the most reliable and affordable electricity and water services possible.
By the Numbers
- Founded in 1938
- More than 235,000 customers
- Service area of 628 square miles
Benefits of Public Power
We are led by a board of local, elected commissioners and are committed to providing safe, reliable power at cost to our customers. Because we are publicly owned, we make decisions with our customers in mind and give back to our community because we live and work here too – all advantages of living in a public power community.
Board of Commissioners
As a public utility we are governed by an elected board of three commissioners, representing customer interests. The board meets twice a month to set policies and oversee utility operations.

From Our CEO
“It seems simple. A flip of a switch to light your home, or a turn of the faucet to fill a glass. And that’s how it should be: simple and reliable. But there’s a lot of work behind the scenes here at Clark Public Utilities that goes into making sure you don’t have to think twice about your family’s electric and water service.
Keeping your power on and providing clean water is our top priority. We work all year long to maintain the most reliable system possible, at the lowest possible cost. And any time you call, you’ll get a real person, right here in Clark County, to help you.
As a public utility we are always working to be the best stewards of our resources as possible. That includes natural as well as financial resources. It’s all part of our responsibility to you as a customer, and to the Clark County communities we serve.”
–Lena Wittler
CEO and General Manager

Public Documents
From annual reports to resource planning, learn more about the inner workings of your public utility here.
A Look Back
How We Became Clark County’s PUD
Clark Public Utilities was formed by a vote of the people in 1938 as Public Utility District No. 1 of Cark County, Washington, known at the time as Clark PUD. Elected to the board of commissioners were Heye H. Meyer, Pleasant Valley, District 1; Joseph A. Ast, Camas, District 2; L.M. Jones, Vancouver, District 3.
In the 1940s, Clark Public Utilities opened its first office at 1008 Main Street. Customers in Hazel Dell were so pleased with Clark Public Utilities that they petitioned the PUD to build a water system north of Vancouver. Preliminary engineering was started in 1945, and in 1951, Hazel Dell’s new water system delivered water to its first 347 customers. The PUD was expanding. In 1948, ten years after its formation, Clark Public Utilities became the only electric utility in Clark County, and the customer count totaled 26,750.
70s and 80s – Clark PUD Continued to Grow
Due to an expected doubling of loads by 1972, the utility developed long-range plans for system expansion – just as we do today! Nine new rural lighting districts were formed, and 600 additional streetlights were installed throughout the county.
To keep up with the growing customer count, Clark Public Utilities expanded. The PUD grew to 1,800 miles of transmission and distribution lines, 16 substations, 10 water pumping stations, 88 miles of water lines, and 280 employees.
Throughout the 1980s, there were significant rate increases as Bonneville Power Administration’s rates climbed by 500 percent in 5 years. Even still, Clark Public Utilities’ rates remained well below the national average.
Present Day
Clark Public Utilities has maintained a reputation for excellent customer service, serving the community, and responsibly providing safe and reliable power at the lowest possible cost for many decades. With just over 400 employees, Clark Public Utilities has the state’s most efficient customer-to-employee ratio, serving more customers per employee than any other public utility.

Business Case Studies
See how local businesses are finding ways to reduce energy waste and boost the bottom line
Contact Us Today
This is your utility, and we’re happy to answer your questions.
Please call us at 360-992-3000, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, all year long.